August 3 through September 16, 2018
Underscore Theater Company, in association with Theater Wit, presents
by Alex Higgen-Houser and David Kornfeld
directed by Nick Thornton, musical direction by Robert Ollis

January 11-March 9, 2019
The Realistic Joneses
by Will Eno
directed by Jeremy Wechsler
A co-production with Shattered Globe Theater
Bob and Jennifer Jones are drifting through their isolated suburban life until one fateful evening when they meet their new neighbors, John and Pony Jones. Soon, the couples find that they share much more than a last name. In this funny, intimate and profound meditation on life, the four Joneses muddle through the strange and amazing moments of each day knowing that “talking with someone can make you feel better”, but fearing that actual communication may elude them in the end.
Very Funny! ★★★Director Jeremy Wechsler’s production grounds the flightier aspects of the play in a Chicago-style reality.Chicago Tribune

★★★1/2 Sublime! There’s endless profundity (and marvelous wit) embedded in the 100-minute drama.Chicago Sun Times
Unsettles the heart... Eno’s gift is his ability to find the heartbreak and fear, as well as the quirky comedy in all this. Director Jeremy Wechsler and his cast have tapped into the deftly conjured, fragmented, offbeat rhythms of Eno’s characters with impressive skill.WTTW
★★★ Edgy and timely. Wechsler's production at Theater Wit is fast-paced, provocative and, crucially, acted throughout with the right combination of intellectual smugness, personal vulnerability and familial love.Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
Simultaneously hilarious and discomfiting. Entirely prescient!Broadway World Chicago
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! A blistering, disturbingly apt critique.Irene Hsiao, Chicago Reader